斯图尔特· Takes Terrorists to Court and Wins

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斯图尔特·Most litigators have a certain amount of swagger. 正是这种自信让他们能够向法官或陪审团讲述一个故事, 挑战对手, and to feel as if their clients deserve, 毫不夸张地说, 他们上法庭的日子.

因此,斯图尔特•纽伯格(斯图尔特·)的狂妄也就不足为奇了. In his case, however, it’s well earned. Newberger, 64, is the Crowell & 莫林欧洲杯投注赔率事务所合伙人为前贝鲁特人质特里·安德森及其家人赢得了4000万美元, 他为1989年飞机爆炸中遇难的7名美国人的家属争取并最初赢得了60亿美元(尽管这个天文数字后来减少了)。, 他在其他一些涉及恐怖主义受害者寻求赔偿损失的案件中取得了胜利.

这不是他唯一的作品,但这些都是上头条的法庭剧. Kenneth Feinberg, best known for his work for the U.S. 为911袭击的受害者管理资金的司法部, 这就解释了在一小撮代表恐怖主义受害者的欧洲杯投注赔率中, 在为恐怖主义受害者找到起诉肇事者的途径方面,只有两三个国家发挥了“关键”作用. Newberger is one of them, 他说.

1996年通过了对1976年《欧洲杯app下载》(FSIA)的修正案, victims were allowed to sue, 在你.S. courts, countries designated by the U.S. as state sponsors of terrorism. 然后, in 2016, 《欧洲杯app下载》允许受害者起诉不在国家支持名单上的国家. That act set up the Justice Department’s Victim Compensation Fund, 哪条法律允许那些做出最终判决的人从认罪的外国公司获得资金补偿.

那么,作为一名20多年来代表恐怖主义受害者的欧洲杯投注赔率,他是如何开始的呢? For Newberger, it’s a story that builds on reputation and resolve.

Newberger chose the law in part because, as his grandmother told him, “I have a big mouth and could be a lawyer,他笑着说. He also loved legal drama TV shows like Perry Mason, 以及在电影《欧洲杯投注赔率》中扮演欧洲杯投注赔率阿提克斯·芬奇的演员格雷戈里·派克.

During law school at Georgetown University, he worked for the D.C. 公设辩护欧洲杯投注赔率服务, 然后担任司法部民事部门的法律助理, 这是, ·说, “a nice way to get an education beyond just reading law books.”

He nabbed a clerkship with famed Judge Harold H. 美国的格林.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. ·说 clerking for Greene was an “amazing experience,这不仅是因为格林逃离纳粹德国并在美国开始新生活的个人经历, but also because the judge had a busy docket, 这让纽伯格获得了他在其他地方无法获得的一系列体验.

Newberger next became an assistant U.S. 欧洲杯投注赔率,从事与国家安全有关的审判和上诉工作. That’s when he got a call from Terry Anderson, 这位美联社记者1985年在黎巴嫩被伊朗支持的组织劫持为人质,并被关押了近7年. 纽伯格最初在《欧洲杯投注赔率》案件中无偿代表安德森, and when Congress amended FSIA in 1996, he represented Anderson in a lawsuit against Iran and won.

这一成功促使受害者向伊朗寻求赔偿, 利比亚, 和苏丹, and 哪一个 led him to the fascinating case of UTA Flight 772, a plane destroyed in 1989 over the Niger desert, killing 170 passengers and crew, 包括7名美国人. Newberger first represented Doug Matthews, the American owner of the plane that was destroyed, 但他最终代表了在空中行李箱爆炸事件中丧生的美国人的家属. “I spent 10 years working on that case,” 他说.

这是一段迷人的历史, but one that had been lost in the coverage of Pan Am Flight 103, known to the world as Lockerbie, 一年前, in 哪一个 several hundred Americans died.

纽伯格扣人心弦的书, 去年才出版, is called The Forgotten Flight: Terrorism, Diplomacy and the Pursuit of Justice.

纽伯格说:“我写这本书是为了讲述一个没人知道的故事。. “我讲这个故事的另一个原因是,我想向那些遭受恐怖袭击的人证明,有时候你是可以反击的, and sometimes you can heal, 有时你可以在情感上得到解脱——我们有办法做到这一点.”

这本书很复杂, 多层次的叙述, 首先描述了由法官让-路易·布鲁吉埃领导的法国小组成功证明利比亚对飞机的破坏负有责任, 然后详细介绍了纽伯格起诉利比亚赔偿损失的工作.

The drama of the trial, and the award by U.S. 地区法院法官亨利?. 肯尼迪, is one of the more compelling sections of the book, as each family talks about the loved ones they lost, 一位专家详细说明了飞机上的乘客可能不是当场死亡的证据, 但在飞机解体并呼啸着冲向地球的过程中,他经历了几分钟的恐怖. 肯尼迪获赠100美元,000 for each second of terror on the plane as it was shot down, ·写道. Since the plane descended for 180 seconds, each victim received $18 million, 加上额外的补偿性损害赔偿以及对实施袭击的人的额外判决.

这一赔偿金额远远超过1988年洛克比空难的赔偿金额, 这场战争杀死了250多名美国人,每个家庭的损失约为800万美元.

具有讽刺意味的是,该奖项在2008年变得毫无意义. Bush convinced Congress to pass the 利比亚n Claims Resolution Act, 哪一个, as a way of repairing relations with the country, 所允许的补偿性损害赔偿远低于肯尼迪所要求的. 美国总统在离任前与卡扎菲达成了一项协议, 这项外交协议优先于纽伯格的案子.

In the deal, Qaddafi agreed to turn over $1.50亿美元.S. 政府过去常常设立一个基金来审查幸存者的索赔要求并分配这笔钱.

“美国总统、国会和联邦法院系统才扭转了我的所作所为,纽伯格说. 但观察人士表示,巨额的原始判决可能最终将利比亚带到和解桌上.


Even with all this attention, 反恐工作还不到纽伯格总工作量的三分之一, 哪一个 includes international commercial arbitration, 投资条约仲裁和与恐怖主义无关的FSIA工作, 他说.

这就提出了一个有趣的问题:纽伯格希望人们记住什么案件? “I like to think the best is yet to come,” 他说. 他说,今年7月将有一场涉及巴基斯坦的审判,可能会成为一些头条欧洲杯投注赔率. 请继续关注.
